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SpicesSpices »
Tuesday 15 January 2008

There are big variety of freshly ground and natural spices - black pepper, cumin, red pepper, savory, garlic powder, dehydrated white onion, indian nutmeg, coriander, laurel leave, trigonella, pimento, clove, poppy seed and all kinds of exotic
Soy productsSoy products »
Tuesday 15 January 2008

Different sorts of soy flours,  textured soy  flours, isolated soy proteins, concentrate and all kinds of proteins. 
AdditivesAdditives »
Tuesday 15 January 2008

Many kinds of kuter mixtures,  emulsifying  agents,  stabilizers, colouring agents, antioxidants, taste intensifier, colour intensifier and
Covers »
Tuesday 15 January 2008

Our company offers you big variety of natural covers in different size to all kinds of meat
PackagesPackages »
Tuesday 15 January 2008

Many kinds and colours of plastic plates, also packing food stretch films for